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BBUGSS Council
President (Council Role) Professor Viswanath
The BBUGSS President is responsible for setting the direction of the society, convening the meetings, directing the output of the other Council Members and organising the Annual Scientific Meeting, as well as co-ordinating contact with other societies and setting research, governance and educational priorities. The President has a seat upon the AUGIS Council.
President-Elect (Council Role) TBC
The President Elect is the elected successor to the President and assumes the role when the president steps down or is unavailable
Secretary (Council Role) TBC
The BBUGSS Secretary is reponsible for organising the Council meetings, distributing the agenda and disributing minutes of the meetings to the Council members. They may be asked to help the President with other administrative tasks and will maintain a database of Council members' contact details and roles
Honorary Treasurer (via AUGIS) Mr Stephen Fenwick
Clinical Practice Recommendation Lead (Council Role) Ms Claire Brown
Clinical Practice Recommendation Lead (Support) (Council Role) Mr Stuart Andrews
Education & Training Lead (Council Role) Mr Ian Maheswaran
Education & Training Lead (Support) (Council Role) Ms Jihene El Kafsi
Research & Audit Lead (Council Role) Mr Sayan Bhattacharya
Research & Audit Lead (Support) (Council Role) Empty
Communication Officer (Council Role) Mr Matthew Browning
The Communication Officer is resposible for distributing emails and social communications to the BBUGSS members and aids in managing the websit with the rest of the Website Subcommitee, made up of other council members
Communication Officer (Support) (Council Role) Empty
Trainee Representative (Council Role) Mr Matthew Browning
Regional Representatives: (Council Role)
South England Ian Finlay
Mid England Guy Finch
North England Kamal Mahawar
Wales Hari Nageswaran
Scotland Michael Wilson
Northern Ireland Gary Spence
Ex Presidents:
Mr Stuart Andrews 2020 - 2022
Mr Kirk Bowling 2022 - 2024
BBUGSS has a strict non-discrimination policy. We believe everyone should be treated equally regardless of race, sex, gender identification, sexual orientation, national origin, native language, religion, age, disability, marital status, citizenship, genetic information, pregnancy, or any other characteristic protected by law. If you feel that you have been discriminated against by our society, please let us know as soon as possible. Every complaint will be appropriately investigated and responded to.
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