Annual NHSR Reports

Message from the NHSR Chair and Society Presidents:
We delightfully present the third Annual Report (2024) of the National Hiatal Surgery Registry (NHSR). NHSR is the first surgical registry in the UK for benign hiatal surgical disease, with outcomes decided by the experience of end-users, and our patients.
Since its inauguration at the Annual AUGIS Conference in Belfast 2021, NHSR has been engaged widely by the UK hiatal surgeons in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Other Upper GI specialities (bariatrics and cancer resection) have benefited from detailed analysis of the quality and effectiveness of these procedures for some time by using Registry data input.
We do not currently know how effective outcomes from hiatal surgery in the UK are nationally.
On behalf of AUGIS and the entire NHSR Committee, we would like to thank all our peer Upper Gastrointestinal Surgeons for taking the time to input their valuable data into this long overdue Registry.
We aim to publish NHSR reports annually. We also aim to present this report annually at the AUGIS National Conference. The reports will be based on the outcomes of Trusts and Private Healthcare Organisations rather than individual surgeons.
We look forward to your ongoing contribution to this novel project and a more considerable success in the years to come.
Best Wishes
Mr Sayan Bhattacharya
NHSR Committee Chair
Prof Viswanath YKS
President BBUGSS
Kirk Bowling President Ex-President
Executive Council