Hiatal Surgery Course

3rd Annual Advanced laparoscopic CBD/hiatal and benign Upper GI skills course
This two day course was designed to concentrate on aspects of elective
and emergency complex benign upper GI surgery that senior trainees
may have limited exposure to in training and junior consultants may
feel least confident with in their clinical practice. The first day covered
advanced hiatal surgery, discussed evidence for practice, patient
selection and surgical techniques. Laparoscopic bile duct exploration
was also covered discussing the ‘pit falls’ of starting a service, getting
the right equipment and surgical techniques particularly in the
management of acute presentation and integration with ERCP services.
As well as lectures; live link surgery was also used for discussion. The
second day was workshop based concentrating on laparoscopic suturing,
energy tissue dissection, choledocoscopes and bile duct instruments.
Click on image for the flyer
2nd Annual Advanced laparoscopic CBD/hiatal and benign Upper GI skills course
This two day course is designed to concentrate on aspects
of elective and emergency complex benign upper GI surgery,
that senior trainees may have limited exposure to and junior
consultants may feel less confident in their clinical practice.
Click on image for the flyer